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Seven ways to stay motivated on your entrepreneurial journey

Serge Beauchemin en exclusité sur le blogue d'Operio afin de donner des conseils judicieux aux entrepreneurs I often meet aspiring entrepreneurs. When asked what kind of tips I could share about entrepreneurship, my favourite answer is: “If it were easy, then everyone would do it.”

You can plan, but you can’t foretell the future.

At start-up, you’re full of energy. You’re super motivated, ready to take on all of the challenges an entrepreneur might face. You’ve got that little bit of naïveté that’s needed to start a business. You’ve got a solid plan. You’re brimming with confidence. Thus armed, you jump in with both feet.

As the weeks, months and years go by, like a boat battling the high seas, reality hits. Several unseen events happen over time: delays, pressures, elevated costs, customers who don’t keep their word, results that are not happening, tight working capital, etc. We’re often a good example of Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”

Even if everything is not negative and, you do progress through the small and big successes, there is a certain wear and tear that ends up depleting your initial motivation.

1. Remain true to yourself

Most entrepreneurs have a basic developer profile. In the early stages of the business, they often take on several roles, including several administrative and low value-added tasks. This can pull us away from what ignites us the most, development.

Don’t drown in routine. Every day, give yourself a minimum of time to do development work, either on your current customers, new customers or new products. Delegate low-value tasks. This ensures that you feed your developer side every day.

2. Beware of isolation

It’s easy to get pulled in by the routine and all the work that’s needed to move the company forward and keep it afloat.

Isolation is one of entrepreneurs’ greatest potential dangers. Set some time aside to always nurture your network. Stay in touch with the people in your network, your customers, suppliers, collaborators and the people in your industry.

Even if you don’t have time, make some to participate in networking activities, happy hours, professional lunches, conferences, conventions… You never know who you will meet and what interesting ideas you will find.

3. Continue learning

It’s important to stay up to date and keep learning. Whether it’s related to your industry, new technologies or new skills, stay informed and feed your brain regularly.

I always try to read every day. Audiobooks are very good travelling companions when driving long distances. I can only recommend the following books: Start with Why – Book by Simon Sinek ; The Obstacle is The Way – Book by Ryan Holiday and finally Mastery – Book by Robert Greene.

4. Take a step back

Oftentimes, because of the routine of managing the company, we end up with blinders. Overwhelmed by everyday life, we lose sight of what motivates us the most: our initial vision that inspired us when we first started.

Work more on your business and less in your business. Reconnecting regularly with your long-term development vision will keep you motivated.

5. Keep a positive outlook

Reading biographies about successful people and positive psychology is an excellent way to fuel your fire. Meditation is an additional way to better manage stress and uncertainty. Set some time aside for other things that are important in your life, family, friends, hobbies. It’s essential to recharge your batteries regularly with rest and holidays. I like to take a good week’s vacation after every three months’ sprint.

6. Have the right tools

I’ve always thought that workers are only as good as their tools. Even if there is a cost, having the right equipment and software to properly monitor and develop your business will make you more efficient. This will reduce your frustrations and increase your motivation.

Read more: 7 good reasons to use the Operio mobile application.

7. Celebrate!

Driving at high speed and always looking straight forward, we forget to take the time to stop and congratulate ourselves on the good work, which we should do regularly. Spoil yourself occasionally. It stops you from thinking that things are not moving forward. It keeps you connected with the progress.

Continue to feed your entrepreneurial flame every day, because the hazards of this type of life can quickly reduce or even extinguish it. Do something every day to take care of yourself and your business.